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Membership Benefits

As a BCA Member, you will be eligible to receive the following:

    • Four issues of the association newsletter. Back issues are available (Click here for a sample copy)
    • Unlimited free classifieds in the newsletter: Browning / FN related “for sale” or “wanted” ads

    • Occasional special offers from Browning to Association members

    • Gun parts, accessories and sporting goods have been offered in the past at reduced prices exclusively to Browning Collectors Association members

    • Specialty BCA items offered through the sales counter

    • Invitation to the Browning Collectors Association meeting and show.

    • Members are given a free display table at our annual meeting and show on display years


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How to Join

Dues for U.S. Citizens are $35 for the first year and $30 for consecutive years.

Memberships for residents outside of the U.S. are $45 for the first year and $35 for consecutive years.

CLICK HERE to access the PDF Application

If you have any questions regarding Browning Collectors Association, this application,

or becoming a non-resident member, please contact us:

Email BCA Secretary

* Member Badges and Pins Sold Separately  


Pay Your Membership Online

* After you make the payment, you will receive an email with detailed instructions about your online account creation.

First Year, U.S. Citizen $50

Renewal, U.S. Citizen $45

Lifetime Membership $500

First Year, Non-U.S. Citizen $60

Renewal, Non-U.S. Citizen $50

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BCA’s Presidents in Chronological Order:

Robert R. Templeton, Kaysville, UT1979-1981
Bill E. Buis, Liverpool, NY1981-1983
Rodney A. Herrmann, Pittsburgh, PA1983-1987
Thomas J. Koesll, Bailey’s Harbor, WI1987-1991
Larry J. Rogers, Grand Island, NE1991-1993
Homer C. Tyler, Jefferson City, MO1993-1994
Terry Baxa, Sioux Falls, SD1994-2001
Gary Chatham, Tennessee Colony, TX2001-2007
H.M. Shirley, Spring Hill, Fl2007-2009
Gary Chatham, Tennessee Colony, TX2009-2011
Charles P. Wagner, Covington, KY2011-2019
Mark Hannah, Denton, TX2019-2023
Kevin Miller, Mesa, AZ2023-2024
Brian Hager, Jefferson City, MO2024-Present
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A Little Something About Us

By landing on this page, you most likely already share a common bond with others who’ve visited — a burning passion for All Things Browning.

In other words, you’re in great company.

Our association was formed in 1979 after Colonel Reid Betz spent much of his retirement years creating the non-profit organization.
Originally based out of Utah, the home-state of the Browning Brothers
and the present Browning Company, the association quickly became a portal through which Browning firearm collectors could exchange information, historical facts and provide a marketplace for rare firearms, parts, accessories and much more.

More than three decades later, the association is stronger than ever. Our membership is worldwide.

peruse the links provided above to learn more about our organization and
its offerings to the Browning community. And, if you’re not already a
member, you’re missing out!


Mark Hanna
President, BCA

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US Patent 220271 : was applied for on May 19, 1879 and granted on October 7, 1879
US Patent 247881 : was applied for on August 2, 1881 and granted on October 4, 1881
US Patent 261667 : was applied for on March 20, 1882 and granted on July 25, 1882
US Patent 282839 : was applied for on September 13, 1882 and granted on August 7, 1883
US Patent 306577 : was applied for on May 26, 1884 and granted on October 14, 1884
US Patent 312183 : was applied for on March 6, 1884 and granted on February 10, 1885
US Patent 324296 : was applied for on March 5, 1885 and granted on August 11, 1885
US Patent 324297 : was applied for on May 26, 1885 and granted on August 11, 1885
US Patent 336287 : was applied for on June 15, 1885 and granted on February 16, 1886
US Patent 345881 : was applied for on December 28, 1885 and granted on July 20, 1886
US Patent 345882 : was applied for on May 3, 1886 and granted on July 20, 1886
US Patent 346021 : was applied for on January 2, 1886 and granted on July 20, 1886
US Patent 356271 : was applied for on September 6, 1886 and granted on January 18, 1887
US Patent 359917 : was applied for on September 6, 1886 and granted on March 22, 1887
US Patent 367336 : was applied for on July 12, 1886 and granted on July 26, 1887
US Patent 376576 : was applied for on November 2,1887 and granted on January 17, 1888
US Patent 385238 : was applied for on December 13, 1887 and granted on June 26, 1888
US Patent 409599 : was applied for on May 21, 1888 and granted on August 20, 1889
US Patent 409600 : was applied for on May 21, 1888 and granted on August 20, 1889
US Patent 421663 : was applied for on June 4, 1889 and granted on February 18, 1890
US Patent 428887 : was applied for on November 18, 1889 and granted on May 27, 1890
US Patent 436965 : was applied for on January 20, 1890 and granted on September 23, 1890
US Patent 441390 : was applied for on June 30, 1890 and granted on November 25, 1890
US Patent 465339 : was applied for on August 3, 1891 and granted on December 15, 1891
US Patent 465340 : was applied for on August 3, 1891 and granted on December 15, 1891
US Patent 471782 : was applied for on January 6, 1890 and granted on March 29, 1892
US Patent 471783 : was applied for on August 3, 1891 and granted on March 29, 1892
US Patent 471784 : was applied for on August 3, 1891 and granted on March 29, 1892
US Patent 486272 : was applied for on June 6, 1892 and granted on November 15, 1892
US Patent 486273 : was applied for on June 27, 1892 and granted on November 15, 1892
US Patent 486274 : was applied for on August 15, 1892 and granted on November 15, 1892
US Patent 487659 : was applied for on March 7, 1892 and granted on December 6, 1892
US Patent 487660 : was applied for on March 22, 1892 and granted on December 6, 1892
US Patent 492459 : was applied for on March 22, 1892 and granted on February 28, 1893
US Patent 499005 : was applied for on September 19, 1892 and granted on June 6, 1893
US Patent 499006 : was applied for on September 19, 1892 and granted on June 6, 1893
US Patent 499007 : was applied for on October 15, 1892 and granted on June 6, 1893
US Patent 502549 : was applied for on July 11, 1892 and granted on August 1, 1893
US Patent 511677 : was applied for on December 23, 1892 and granted on December 26, 1893
US Patent 513301 : was applied for on March 31, 1893 and granted on January 23, 1894
US Patent 524702 : was applied for on January 19, 1894 and granted on August 21, 1894
US Patent 543567 : was applied for on April 16, 1895 and granted on July 30, 1895
US Patent 544657 : was applied for on November 7, 1892 and granted on August 20, 1895
US Patent 544658 : was applied for on March 15, 1893 and granted on August 20, 1895
US Patent 544659 : was applied for on June 17, 1893 and granted on August 20, 1895
US Patent 544660 : was applied for on September 11, 1898 and granted on August 20, 1895
US Patent 544661 : was applied for on December 8, 1894 and granted on August 20, 1895
US Patent 545671 : was applied for on April 29, 1895 and granted on September 3, 1895
US Patent 545672 : was applied for on April 29, 1895 and granted on September 3, 1895
US Patent 547986 : was applied for on July 30, 1895 and granted on October 15, 1895
US Patent 549345 : was applied for on November 19, 1894 and granted on November 5, 1895
US Patent 550778 : was applied for on April 29, 1895 and granted on December 3, 1895
US Patent 552864 : was applied for on November 19, 1894 and granted on January 7, 1896
US Patent 577281 : was applied for on March 16, 1896 and granted on February 16, 1897
US Patent 580923 : was applied for on September 14, 1895 and granted on April 20, 1897
US Patent 580924 : was applied for on October 31, 1896 and granted on April 20, 1897
US Patent 580925 : was applied for on October 31, 1896 and granted on April 20, 1897
US Patent 580926 : was applied for on October 31, 1896 and granted on April 20, 1897
US Patent 599595 : was applied for on May 5, 1897 and granted on February 22, 1898
US Patent 619132 : was applied for on February 21, 1898 and granted on February 7, 1899
US Patent 621747 : was applied for on December 28, 1897 and granted on March 21, 1899
US Patent 632094 : was applied for on February 17, 1899 and granted on August 29, 1899
US Patent 659507 : was applied for on February 8, 1900 and granted on October 9, 1900
US Patent 659786 : was applied for on June 6, 1900 and granted on October 16, 1900
US Patent 660244 : was applied for on November 15, 1899 and granted on October 23, 1900
US Patent 678937 : was applied for on June 19, 1900 and granted on July 23, 1901
US Patent 689283 : was applied for on March 18, 1901 and granted on December 17, 1901
US Patent 701288 : was applied for on March 18, 1901 and granted on June 3, 1902
US Patent 701289 : was applied for on December 16, 1901 and granted on June 3, 1902
US Patent 708794 : was applied for on November 7, 1901 and granted on September 9, 1902
US Patent 710094 : was applied for on January 11, 1902 and granted on September 30, 1902
US Patent 730870 : was applied for on May 6, 1899 and granted on June 16, 1903
US Patent 747585 : was applied for on April 3, 1902 and granted on December 22, 1903
US Patent 781765 : was applied for on July 10, 1903 and granted on February 7, 1905
US Patent 808003 : was applied for on May 25, 1905 and granted on December 19, 1905
US Patent 812326 : was applied for on June 30, 1904 and granted on February 13, 1906
US Patent 818739 : was applied for on August 18, 1905 and granted on April 24, 1906
US Patent 853438 : was applied for on August 18, 1905 and granted on May 14, 1907
US Patent 864608 : was applied for on August 3, 1906 and granted on August 27, 1907
US Patent 864609 : was applied for on December 5, 1906 and granted on August 27, 1907
US Patent 947478 : was applied for on June 21, 1909 and granted on January 25, 1910
US Patent 984263 : was applied for on July 30, 1904 and granted on February 14, 1911
US Patent 984519 : was applied for on February 17, 1910 and granted on February 14, 1911
US Patent 1065341 : was applied for on March 20, 1913 and granted on June 24, 1913
US Patent 1065342 : was applied for on March 20, 1913 and granted on June 24, 1913
US Patent 1070582 : was applied for on April 23, 1913 and granted on August 19, 1913
US Patent 1083384 : was applied for on November 19, 1912 and granted on January 6, 1914
US Patent 1095801 : was applied for on November 19, 1912 and granted on May 5, 1914
US Patent 1143170 : was applied for on November 26, 1913 and granted on June 15, 1915
US Patent 1202024 : was applied for on August 18, 1914 and granted on October 24, 1916
US Patent 1276716 : was applied for on March 30, 1917 and granted on August 27, 1918
US Patent 1293020 : was applied for on April 26, 1916 and granted on February 4, 1919
US Patent 1293021 : was applied for on October 13, 1916 and granted on February 4, 1919
US Patent 1293022 : was applied for on August 1, 1917 and granted on February 4, 1919
US Patent 1301810 : was applied for on November 28, 1917 and granted on April 29, 1919
US Patent 1327698 : was applied for on September 9, 1919 and granted on January 13, 1920
US Patent 1372336 : was applied for on April 27, 1920 and granted on March 22, 1921
US Patent 1381448 : was applied for on July 28, 1920 and granted on June 14, 1921
US Patent 1424553 : was applied for on July 26, 1919 and granted on August 1, 1922
US Patent 1455071 : was applied for on May 13, 1922 and granted on May 15, 1923
US Patent 1457961 : was applied for on April 13, 1921 and granted on June 5, 1923
US Patent 1464864 : was applied for on September 27, 1921 and granted on August 14, 1923
US Patent 1502658 : was applied for on May 21, 1920 and granted on July 29, 1924
US Patent 1511262 : was applied for on September 21, 1923 and granted on October 14, 1924
US Patent 1525065 : was applied for on December 15, 1923 and granted on February 3, 1925
US Patent 1525066 : was applied for on April 11, 1924 and granted on February 3, 1925
US Patent 1525067 : was applied for on April 28, 1924 and granted on February 3, 1925
US Patent 1533966 : was applied for on December 6, 1922 and granted on April 14, 1925
US Patent 1533967 : was applied for on December 29, 1922 and granted on April 14, 1925
US Patent 1533968 : was applied for on January 6, 1923 and granted on April 14, 1925
US Patent 1548708 : was applied for on September 24, 1923 and granted on August 4, 1925
US Patent 1548709 : was applied for on March 13, 1924 and granted on August 4, 1925
US Patent 1557414 : was applied for on March 3, 1924 and granted on October 13, 1925
US Patent 1578638 : was applied for on October 15, 1923 and granted on March 30, 1926
US Patent 1578639 : was applied for on September 29, 1924 and granted on March 30, 1926
US Patent 1580406 : was applied for on May 31, 1924 and granted on April 13, 1926
US Patent 1618510 : was applied for on June 28, 1923 and granted on February 22, 1927
US Patent 1628226 : was applied for on July 31, 1923 and granted on May 10, 1927
US Patent 1628227 : was applied for on July 14, 1924 and granted on May 10, 1927
US Patent 1629651 : was applied for on September 19, 1924 and granted on May 24, 1927
US Patent 1629652 : was applied for on July 8, 1925 and granted on May 24, 1927
US Patent 1666887 : was applied for on October 15, 1925 and granted on April 24, 1928
US Patent 1692328 : was applied for on January 2, 1925 and granted on November 20, 1928
US Patent 1800594 : was applied for on November 1, 1923 and granted on April 14, 1931
US Patent 1800595 : was applied for on January 25, 1926 and granted on April 14, 1931
US Patent 1801070 : was applied for on June 12, 1929 and granted on April 14, 1931
US Patent 1806736 : was applied for on February 24, 1928 and granted on May 26, 1931